Tuesday, July 16, 2013

An Oasis Nearby

In the midst of the commotion and hubbub which is this city, I have found a beautiful place of calm where the conditions for safely walking the streets are ideal. No more excuses for failing to exercise! This post is a show and tell of this morning's walk through "Bukit Golf".

Ringing the inside of the Pondok Indah Golf&Country Club, is the residential community of Bukit Golf.

For homeowners, this prime real-estate boasts backyard views of the course, but in my case, Jalan Bukit Golf Utama, is a short drive from home (traffic cooperating) and offers access to a 1.6 kilometre circuit of road that is perfect for walking (jogging, running, cycling).

It used to be when we lived here last, that the 18 hole course was open to pedestrians on a Monday morning. Things have changed and this option is no longer available, but no complaints from me as the neighbourhood still obliges and leaves their gated community open for exercise any day of the week.

Green space...

open road...

and canopies of tropical palms and bamboo shading the street...

There are incredibly beautiful mansions behind decorative wrought iron gates...

lovely to admire...

and all meticulously manicured.

I imagine 2 options for this beautiful aspect: 1. A bride and her wedding party walking up the frangipani-lined drive. Or, 2. This drive covered in a carpet of my quilts for a photo shoot.

There is a peaceful quiet on the street as the locals go about their early morning routines. Along with the steady swishing of sweeping brooms I can hear the birds chirping and that distinct rattle of the cicadas...

the lazy trickle of water as gardens are watered and Drivers wash cars...

and the occasional approach of a motor bike. (Someone is receiving an early morning special delivery.)

The roosters and chickens, also getting on with a new day, are clucking and crowing, pecking the dirt looking for breakfast.

And this little pal is so friendly. A dear reminder of Bower!

But of course, amidst my oasis there must be the reminders that I am in Jakarta and let's face it, this little blip of lovely quiet and postcard perfect is an anomaly. There is also the noise of the power tools and construction progress....

the makeshift, less-than-perfect erection of the temporary fence/wall marring the scenery (Although I happen to think that this slap-dash fencing is amazing with the tree protruding from it and the patchwork of shiny silver corrugated metal!)...

behind the green door is quite a bit of chaos...

and the cats are everywhere, some like this one scavenging.

Thanks for sharing this pretty piece of Jakarta with me this morning! Any time you feel like walking round and round and round the circuit with me, you are more than welcome!

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